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Tucson Marital Property Lawyer

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we represent clients looking to keep inheritances involving money or property. The process is complex and challenging, especially when your finances are “co-mingled” with your spouse’s in a bank account.

Business people negotiating a contract

Hector A. Montoya: Pima County Community Property Attorney

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we focus on equitable division, not equality in the community property state of Arizona. Establishing separate property necessitates the help of an experienced divorce attorney skilled in this specific area of the law. You require a dedicated advocate who possesses hands-on experience in corporate financial analysis. Hector A. Montoya takes a detail-oriented approach, bringing 10 years of experience as a corporate financial analyst.

Do you need help establishing separate property in a divorce action? Contact our Tucson divorce lawyer.

Father and teenage son conversing in back yard

Dedication and Insight in Establishing Separate Property

In arguing what is and is not community property, we present evidence to establish separate property owned prior to the marriage or received as a gift or inheritance during the marriage, including:

  • Real estate properties
  • Investments and stocks
  • Family-owned businesses
  • Professional practices

Mr. Montoya is dedicated to providing aggressive and fact-based advocacy when significant assets are at stake. He offers an unbiased viewpoint during an occasionally highly stressful process. Throughout the entire process, he protects your rights and pursues the best outcome.

Your Decisions, Our Attorney

Call our Tucson, Arizona law offices at 520-743-1797 to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced Tucson marital property attorney, or contact us online by completing our brief intake/e-mail form.

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