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Tucson, AZ’s Experienced Paternity Rights Lawyer

Resolving issues of paternity is essential for establishing legal rights and responsibilities for both parents and children. In Arizona, questions regarding paternity can significantly impact child support, parenting time, and legal decision-making authority. Without clarity on paternity, these important matters cannot be effectively addressed.

The Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. serves clients in Tucson and throughout Pima County, assisting individuals in navigating the complexities of paternity actions. Whether you’re a mother seeking child support or a father looking to assert your parental rights, Hector A. Montoya can help you through the legal process. Getting paternity tested is quicker and more affordable than ever, allowing families to gain the clarity they need to move forward.

dad holding his baby touching his forehead

Reasons to File a Paternity Action

Filing a paternity action can clarify the legal identity and responsibilities of both parents and children. For mothers, establishing paternity is crucial for obtaining child support from fathers. This legal step can ensure children receive the financial support they need. Fathers file paternity actions for various reasons, as well. They may wish to contest claims of paternity or seek to validate their role in a child’s life. By establishing paternity, fathers or mothers can also solidify parental rights and gain parenting time, allowing them to be actively involved in their children’s upbringing.

Navigate the Legal Process With an Experienced Paternity Lawyer

If you were not married and are seeking parenting time, legal decision-making for your child, or if you need to establish child support, it’s crucial to navigate the legal paternity test process with the help of an experienced paternity lawyer in Tucson, Arizona. Please reach out to the The Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. today for a consultation to understand your rights and what to anticipate.

Why pursue a paternity action? Establishing paternity is essential for securing rights and benefits for unmarried parents and their children, such as:

  • Securing Parenting Time: Paternity is the first step for a father to obtain parenting time rights.
  • Legal Decision-Making: Paternity grants a father the ability to make or share in legal decisions regarding the child.
  • Child Support: Paternity enables a mother or father to seek child support from the other party.
  • Inheritance Rights: Paternity may ensure a child’s right to inherit assets and benefits from either parent.

In a legal context, paternity means that a father or mother is officially recognized by the court as the biological parent of a child. If you were married when the child was conceived, this confirmation is typically not required. However, if you were not married at the time of conception, a father or mother usually needs to obtain court confirmation to secure parental rights.

Establishing paternity is crucial for biological parent to obtain legal rights. If the mother and father do not agree on paternity, a court-ordered DNA test may be necessary to prove a man is the child’s biological father. Filing for paternity can also lead to additional legal considerations, such as court-ordered child support.

Our legal team is dedicated to assisting unmarried parents by ensuring all necessary paperwork is properly completed and filed to initiate the paternity process. We represent both mothers and fathers in court regarding legal decision-making, parenting time, and child support.

Protect Your Parental Rights Today

Taking steps to resolve paternity issues can change your family’s future in a positive way. When you establish paternity, you will ensure your children receive the support they deserve. Both mothers and fathers need to understand their legal rights and responsibilities.

If you face questions about paternity, don’t wait. Get the guidance you need from an experienced attorney who can navigate this important process with you. Contact Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. today to schedule an initial consultation and discuss your case. Let us help you achieve the clarity and support your family needs for a stable future. Your family’s well-being is our priority.

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