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Tucson Military Legal Decision-Making Lawyer

Issues regarding military legal decision-making authority, parenting time, and support are affected by specific aspects of the law relevant when a member of the military is involved, particularly when the military parent is stationed or deployed overseas.

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we represent military and nonmilitary parents and spouses throughout the Tucson area in matters concerning military legal decision-making, parenting time and support, and paternity in the military, including modifications of court orders.

Contact our Tucson military legal decision-making attorney in Tucson, Arizona, to schedule an initial consultation with Hector A. Montoya today.

woman with her kids sitting on the floor and using digital tablet

Pima County Military Family Law Firm

Do you have questions about military legal decision-making, parenting time, or support? Call our Tucson, Arizona, law offices to schedule an initial consultation, or contact our Arizona child parenting time and support lawyer.

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