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Tucson, AZ’s Experienced Child Support Lawyer

Child support can often lead to difficult conversations between parents. When they struggle to reach an amicable agreement, Arizona law provides clear guidelines to determine the appropriate amount required to meet their children’s needs.

For parents in Tucson, AZ, and the surrounding areas, Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of child support so you can prioritize your children’s well-being. With over three decades of experience practicing family law, Hector A. Montoya offers expert guidance and skilled representation to help you achieve the best outcome for your family. Our firm focuses on protecting your rights while always keeping the best interests of your children at heart.

Happy father with son are having fun on the field at summertime

Arizona Child Support Guidelines

Child support obligations in Arizona are calculated using a specific formula that considers multiple factors. One of the most important factors is the amount of time each parent spends with the child. When a parent has less parenting time, the child support amount often increases. If a parent pays for their child’s medical insurance, this can lower the amount of disposable income used to calculate child support. The formula ensures that the support reflects the actual financial needs of the child while considering the parents’ situations. Factors that are considered include:

  • The parents’ income
  • The children’s age
  • Education
  • Daycare
  • Medical expenses
woman with her kids sitting on the floor and using digital tablet

What Is Included in Determination of Child Support Payments?

A.R.S. §25-320 governs the calculation and payment of child support under Arizona law and is also relevant to child support calculation and payments by a parent.

How Is Child Support Calculated in Arizona?

In Arizona, child support is calculated using the income shares model as outlined in the Arizona Child Support Guidelines. This model involves a two-step process:

  1. Determine the Total Support Needed: The court first calculates the total amount of financial support required for the child or children, based on the combined income of both parents.
  2. Apportion Each Parent’s Responsibility: The court then determines how much of that total amount each parent is responsible for, proportionate to their income.

To establish the default child support amount, the court combines the incomes of both parents to create a single income figure. This combined income is then matched to a statutorily defined schedule to determine the total child support obligation. Once this amount is set, it is divided between the parents according to their respective shares of the combined income. For example, if the court determines a total support amount of $2,000 and one parent’s income constitutes 60% of the combined income, that parent would be responsible for $1,200, while the other parent would owe $800.

The court may also consider special circumstances, such as a child’s special needs, educational expenses, or healthcare requirements. Having an experienced child support attorney is crucial in these situations, as they can ensure that all relevant factors are considered and that the correct amount of support is apportioned.

Here at the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. , we leverage our extensive knowledge and experience in these cases to ensure that the appropriate amount of support is allocated, protecting your financial interests and the well-being of your child.

Get Skilled and Experienced Legal Assistance for Your Child Support Case

The complexities of child support can be overwhelming to manage on your own. It is in your best interest to have an experienced family law attorney by your side. Whether you’re recently separated or need to make payment modifications due to changes in your life, Hector A. Montoya can bring clarity and legal assistance to your case. Our firm will help you understand the state guidelines and how they apply to your unique circumstances to ensure your children receive the care and financial support they deserve.

Protect your children’s future. Contact Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. today to schedule a consultation.

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