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Tucson Temporary Order Lawyer

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we believe in proactive legal representation on behalf of our clients. While we pursue the best outcome in divorce actions, initial steps must be taken to ensure that the status quo is maintained and assets are protected.

Do you need help with a temporary order as part of the divorce process? Contact our Tucson divorce lawyer.

happy mom and son reading book

Hector A. Montoya: Pima County Temporary Child Support Attorney

On your behalf, Hector A. Montoya can file temporary orders to maintain a lifestyle that you and your children enjoyed prior to the separation. He also takes immediate steps in controlling assets to prevent a spouse from draining money from accounts. Temporary orders often involve:

dad holding his baby touching his forehead

Maintaining Our Client’s Peace of Mind

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we pursue temporary orders through the court system to maintain peace of mind for our clients going through difficult personal times. The emotional stress of divorce is difficult enough without having to endure financial anxiety.

Agreements between spouses involving temporary spousal maintenance, formerly known as alimony, and child support can be easily violated without consequences if Temporary Orders are not obtained. The ups and downs of a divorce can change relationships day by day. A stable financial future can turn to disaster and there is little that you can do about it without a temporary order.

Your Decisions, Our Attorney

Call our Arizona law firm at 520-743-1797 to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced Tucson temporary order attorney, or contact us online by completing our brief intake/e-mail form.

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