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The Divorce Process From a Tucson Lawyer

Sometimes marriage doesn’t work. It can be hard to believe that something so painful and challenging can be as simple as that. When you have accepted that your marriage needs to end, it helps to have an attorney who will help you through the divorce process as gracefully as possible.

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., attorney Montoya will listen to your concerns and goals and formulate the best plan to achieve a divorce or separation settlement that works for you.

Are you ready to put your past behind you and move on? Contact our Tucson divorce process attorney. We can help you see the silver lining.

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Providing Guidance With Legal Separations, Contested and Uncontested Divorces

Knowing all your options is more important than ever. Hector A. Montoya can help you determine what route is best for you and your family:

  • Legal Separation: A legal separation in Arizona allows individuals to maintain certain benefits of marriage while no longer being in a marital relationship.
  • Contested Divorce: A contested divorce involves thorough investigations, property valuations, and, oftentimes, parenting time and support disputes.
  • Uncontested Divorce: Uncontested divorces may be able to be resolved much more quickly than a contested divorce and may also allow you to avoid going to court.
  • Ground for Divorce: The grounds for divorce in Arizona are irreconcilable differences, marriage is irretrievably broken, at least one partner resided in Arizona at least 90 days prior to filing the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and the marriage is not a covenant marriage.
  • Same-Sex Marriage: A same sex couple must complete the formal process of divorce known as a dissolution of marriage proceeding. Fault is not a factor in the process; only one partner needs to want the divorce.

In general, the most important considerations of a divorce settlement include division and valuation of property, alimony now known as spousal maintenance, legal decision-making authority and parenting time, and child support matters. He can also represent you with other family law matters that may arise during or outside of your divorce proceedings.

Pima County Contested, Uncontested Divorce Law Firm

Call our Tucson, Arizona, law offices at 520-743-1797 to schedule an initial consultation. You may also contact our Arizona legal separation lawyer online by completing our brief intake/e-mail form.

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