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I'm always skeptical of reading reviews and I hope I can convince someone looking to retain Mr. Montoya and his staff by this review. He was very genuine and allowed me to offer suggestions on what steps to take during my divorce. He didn't push an agenda and genuinely listened to my ideas. His staff is very responsive and always replied to my needs in a very timely manner. He didn't make any promises as to how my case would go to not give me false hope. I know my opposition's attorney took some very questionable steps to try to win aspects of the case. Mr. Montoya held his ground and advised me through the process informing me I was taking chances going to court. This level of honesty is rare and made me feel like I had the right attorney!! In the end, I was glad he was honest and I felt the outcome of the case was favorable because of the efforts Mr. Montoya took as well as his staff! I thank them very much for my representation during this process!!

Scott Frederick

I started working with Mr. Montoya back in January of 2021. From the beginning I could tell he was very knowledgeable about family law. He explained the whole process and then followed up with the many options we had. Each court session I felt prepared and knew Mr. Montoya was ready to represent me to the fullest.
I would recommend Mr. Montoya to anyone who needs help with their family law case.

Zachary Davila

Hector Montoya law made my divorce go smoothly, calmed my fears and secured my assets. Everything went in my favor. The team is professional and efficient. Thank you for expertly seeing me through a difficult time.

Ann H

Mr. Montoya helped me with my custody case. I really appreciated how quick him or Anita were to respond to emails and calls. He really advocated for what was in my child’s best interest.Going through any court proceedings can be intimidating and I found him to be very proficient and comforting while navigating my case. Should the need for an attorney arise I would retain Hector Montoya again. I have recommended him to others and will continue to do so.

Vanessa Pacheco

This is the second time I have had to use Hector Montoya. He understood my financial situation and helped to work with me. He and Anita were always very quick to respond back and answer any questions I ever had. He was able to take my stressful situation and Provide positive results. His knowledge of family law help to secure favorable outcomes. I would highly recommend Mr. Montoya for anyone going through a divorce or custody issue. Thank you for everything you did to help my daughter and I.

Suzanne Pickering

My experience with Mr. Montoya was very positive. He helped ensure I was prepared for my Parenting Rights/Time hearing. Mr. Montoya cared about what I wanted and was always available when I had a question. I would highly recommend him for anyone needing help in family law.

Mr. Montoya did some follow up research on my behalf and was very thorough. The outcome was not in my favor but Mr. Montoya's willingness to do extra research on my behalf, even after the final decree was issued, speaks volumes of his professionalism and dedication to his clients.

Roy Swartz

Hector Montoya has been my attorney for little under 10 years. He has handled my divorcé and child custody cases with positive outcomes every time, all recommendations by him have been spot. His exceptional integrity and honesty have been the reasons for me returning to him. Cost for his services always remained reasonable, I definitely am satisfied. I highly recommend Mr. Montoya; he will ensure you are properly represented.

Cesar Medina

Mr. Montoya was not the only attorney that I spoke with in the beginning of my case. But he was the only one that had any idea of what he was talking about. I had one attorney tell me to move out of state. Really! Hector is, thoughtful, intelligent and calm. I would recommend him to anyone needing assistance. It took longer than any of us expected but he got it done. I would hire Hector again in a second if necessary. Bravo.

Eric Black

Mr. Montoya came highly recommended by a friend of mine and I now understand why. His expertise and dedication to my child custody case gave me everything I was asking for. Being that I am the father and that Arizona gives favor to mothers when it comes to children, Mr. Montoya was able to fight on my behalf and get me equal parenting time. I greatly appreciate his hard work and would most definitely recommend Mr. Montoya's services.

Eugene Gonzalez

Mr. Hector Montoya was extremely pleasant and very professional. My divorce went quickly and smoothly without any complications. Would definitely recommend him and his paralegal, Anita to everyone. They helped turn my unfortunate event into a pleasant experience.

Rebekah Bedzyk

"I highly recommend Mr. Montoya and his paralegal staff with any help you may need in Family Law" My case was complicated because I live in Texas my ex wife live in Tucson and we were divorced in Utah. His experience, knowledge and skill helped achieved the results that I expected. I greatly appreciate him and his staff's hard work. Cost of his services were reasonable and Mr. Montoya ensured I was properly represented throughout the legal process.

Larry Frasure

I would highly recommend Mr. Montoya as a divorce attorney. I have had several bad experiences with attorneys in the past and had been reluctant to hire another attorney. I also live out of state which made it hard for me to find an attorney I knew I could trust without even meeting them first. From the very beginning Mr. Montoya made me feel like I had made a very wise decision in hiring him. He was very knowledgeable and made sure we were ready to go to court. His fees were so reasonable I was very surprised. He returned all of my emails and calls immediately and all of my communication was with him directly. My ex husband took me to court to reduce his child support. Mr. Montoya was able to prove that my ex had been lying about his income and actually get my child support increased. I could not be happier with the outcome and I am so thankful I now have an attorney that I can trust to fight for the best interest of me and my children.

Holley Fillmore

My experience with Hector was absolutely terrific. He checks all the boxes when it comes to a great, professional attorney. His expertise is second to none, but the fact that he effectively communicates with his clients and is responsive to pass on information or answer questions really sets him apart. If anyone is looking for a knowledgeable, persistent attorney, look no further than Hector Montoya.

Libby Pucci

Mr. Montoya represented me with my case for child support and parenting time. He is an amazing lawyer! I got everything I asked for and more. I believe his pricing to also be very reasonable. He gave me tons of information regarding my rights as a parent, and knowledge about family court that I had never known or would've known had I not hired him to represent me. I highly recommend Mr. Montoya if you need a family lawyer.

Minette Quiroz

I needed to find an attorney for a child support order and Mr. Montoya came highly recommended from a friend of mine. The consultation felt professional, yet comfortable. I appreciated the time he took answering all of my questions and concerns. I would definitely use him again if need be. I would refer my friends and family to him as well.

Jennifer B

Mr Montoya is an amazing lawyer. Has helped me numerous amount of times taking care of my tickets and other law needs. Give him a chance and you’ll be a lifetime member with him. Amazing personality and professional ethics.

Robyn Mariscal

A great law firm! Mr. Montoya and his staff were great to work with during a difficult divorce. I knew Montoya law firm had my best interest in mind and made sure my divorce was fair. I highly recommend this law firm!

George Junior

My experience with Mr. Montoya was very positive. He made the process simple and took care of all my concerns. He helped raise my confidence level by making sure I was prepared for my hearing. I would recommend him for anyone needing help in family law.

Andy Kovacs

Being deployed to Afghanistan, Hector Montoya helped me out with the divorce process. He was very helpful and answered all my questions in a timely manner. I wasn't able to contact by phone most of the time so I was using E-mail. I was extremely impressed how fast he answered me back. Hector told me from the beginning he would take care of everything I couldn't be present for, and he did! Great experience with as little hassle as possible. I definitely recommend Hector Montoya to anyone in need of legal assistance.

Joseph Ray

Mr. Montoya is a great family lawyer. I highly reccomend him to anyone in need of a family lawyer. From day one he explained to us how the process was and what steps were needed. Everything he explained happened in a timely matter and at the end of the day it was a win win situation. Couldn't have chosen a better lawyer to represent me. Thanks Mr. Montoya.

Arnoldo Valenzuela

Mr Montoya and his assistant were very responsive to my questions and needs. I mainly communicated with them by email. He almost always responded to my emails the same day, sometimes at 7:00 PM. His manner was always very professional and businesslike. I would recommend his services to anyone needing legal help during divorce proceedings.

Audrey Griggs Foshee

Mr. Montoya took on a very difficult case for my family. The petitioner had already ingratiated himself with the newly assigned judge, and many of the legal agreements/documents domesticated from another State, from the past decade, where ignored. Also, Mr. Montoya had to deal with 2 other attorneys, the petitioner directly, child welfare experts/therapists, and constant changes to schedules. Mr. Montoya was very patient, answering any/all questions, giving advice, yet following my requests. Additionally, his staff is very friendly and helpful. My family now has an extremely favorable order, and can move forward with peace of mind, thanks to Mr. Montoya.

Tina Polston

My experience with Hector was very good. Obviously this isn't a fun experience for anyone but he was exactly what I needed, giving me good professional advice. Through his knowledge, I was much better able to understand how the legal process worked, and to get a realistic set of expectations on what I was entitled to in the separation. He was also very professional and persistent in negotiating on my behalf. Would highly recommend working with Hector.

Jim Six

I decided to get the service of Mr. Hector Montoya. My case was complicated because im fighting for child custody as well as for divorce that my husband filed in Ohio. I had another lawyer in Ohio for my divorce and it went well with the help also of Mr. Montoya. I would highly recommend the Montoya Law Office for their services and I am very much sure that you will get what you wanted for. Now I am very much happy that I have the sole custody of my baby girl and I am now at peace that she will stay for me for good and that is because of the help of Mr. Hector Montoya for doing their very best to give what their client deserve to have.Thank you again Mr. Hector Montoya and all the staff of the Montoya Law Office.

Zie Stair

Mr Montoya is very reliable, gets great results for you, and makes it extremely convenient for you to continue with your work and personal life while he works hard for you. Highly recommended. I will continue to use his services for anything I need.

Jeanette Parrales

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