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a woman standing on a reception area

Anita Tripp

Paralegal | Office Manager

With over 29 years of experience in the legal field, I have dedicated my career to supporting families and children as a paralegal. Since joining Hector A. Montoya’s law office in 2012, I have honed my expertise in family and juvenile law, combining my strong research skills with meticulous attention to detail. My commitment to excellence is complemented by my compassionate nature, as I strive to create a supportive environment for clients and colleagues alike.

I hold an associate’s degree in paralegal studies and am certified as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children (CASA). Known for my ability to remain calm under pressure, I excel in bringing order to even the most chaotic situations.

Outside of my professional life, I share my time with my significant other and our three dogs. We enjoy attending Comic-Cons and concerts, and I am actively involved in the music industry. In my downtime, I love cooking, reading, and cherishing moments with family.

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