Would getting a divorce ruin your life? Many people who get divorced end up happier and more satisfied than they were during the marriage. After all,…
Spousal maintenance, commonly known as “alimony,” is not appropriate in every divorce. It is generally awarded only while one spouse is unable to…
In a contested divorce, you may need the court to determine how to divide your assets. Assuming you and your divorcing spouse cannot agree, you will…
When it comes to more affluent clients’ divorces, there are several important concerns. First, you want to be sure your divorce attorney…
Some parental decisions profoundly affect the children involved. Has your son- or daughter-in-law refused to allow you to see your grandchildren?…
If you have children and you’re in the military, you could be required to have a “family care plan.” This is a document that designates who…
It may not seem romantic to ask for a prenuptial agreement, but a prenup can offer important protections in the right situation. For example, if you…
From time to time, it becomes necessary for one parent to move out of Arizona with the kids. You may have to get permission from an Arizona court to…
Your credit is your lifeline. It affects everything from the cost of borrowing to whether you can get a new apartment. Yet many people experience a…
When you file for divorce in Arizona, one of the documents you are required to file is a “joint preliminary injunction.” This is generally a…