According to industry groups, over 20 million Americans own some kind of digital currency, such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Ethereum. The total digital…
There are two possibilities for non-military spouses of military service members to continue their healthcare coverage. You may be eligible for…
Yes, in principle. Assuming you are the biological father, you have the natural right to parent your child as long as you are not unfit to do so.…
If you’re considering divorce, one thing that may be on your mind is what will happen to your family business or professional practice. How will…
When you divorce with children, you will need to work together long-term with your children’s other parent. In the vast majority of cases, both…
Whatever the reason for your divorce, it often feels like one spouse is much more at fault than the other. They may have cheated, abandoned you or…
It used to be the case that going to court was your only option if you wanted a divorce. Nowadays, there are other choices, including both…
Yes, as long as they are relevant, authentic and representative. You and your lawyer can collect electronic media evidence like this by taking screen…
If you have kids and have decided to get a divorce, you are no doubt concerned about how the divorce will affect them. The truth is that most kids…
Whether you’re divorcing or coming to parenting arrangements with an unmarried ex-partner, you’ll need to decide how to handle summer vacation.…