Arizona residents who may have child support issues may be interested to learn that more than 1,000 families may be recovering money from a lawsuit…
Arizona residents who have either ended a marriage or are contemplating ending a marriage should not equate doing so with a “failed marriage.” In…
Arizona residents may be familiar with Sacramento Kings co-owner and Beverly Hills Real Housewives star Adrienne Maloof whose divorce proceedings…
All Arizona residents who are either contemplating a divorce or have already begun the process need to make sure they have fully analyzed all of…
Many Arizona residents may not realize the ramifications of a divorce on an individual’s insurance policies. During the process of obtaining…
Arizona residents are likely familiar with the trials and tribulations of the embattled movie star Mel Gibson. It has now been revealed that as part…
Arizona divorcing and divorced parents are using more and more e-mails and texts to communicate with each other. This technology can be an effective…
Arizona residents may be interested to learn of some new research that makes a connection between the rate of dissolutions of marriage and the…
A complex and unique case is being presented to an Arizona court. The court must decide whether a transgender man’s marriage is valid. This…
Arizona parents who are divorcing know that one of the toughest parts of this process is the moment they have to break the news to their children.…