Super Bowl winning NFL quarterback Russell Wilson has filed for divorce from his wife of two years. The couple hopes to dissolve their marriage in…
For many Arizonans, including those in Tucson, tax season is over. However, it is important to keep in mind that dissolving a marriage may have…
Many Arizonans may have heard the term “conscious uncoupling,” which was thrust into the public lexicon recently with news of…
Readers of this blog know the challenges that can arise from Parenting Time disputes. Though these fights often arise in the context of a divorce, it…
Child support is important for both a child and his or her custodial parent’s well-being. These payments help cover a child’s everyday expenses,…
Social media has become a part of everyday life for many. But Arizonans currently advancing through the divorce process and those considering divorce…
More and more, grandparents are heading households that raise their grandchildren. In fact, according to AARP, almost 4.9 million children live in…
Oftentimes when people think of child support issues they conjure up images of so-called deadbeat parents who intentionally fail to make good on…
It can be nearly impossible to keep emotions out of a divorce. Yet, some, including Jeff Landers, a divorce financial analyst and author, say doing…
A lot of people talk about the high rate of divorce. Yet, few consider what portion of the population is actually divorced. Bloomberg set out to…