Many Arizonans serve in our nation’s military. These individuals sacrifice a lot for our country, but one thing they may not, and should not,…
Parents who get divorced have a whole host of legal issues to address. From alimony and property division to Parenting Time and child…
Many of Arizona’s grandparents have close bonds with their grandchildren. Unfortunately, though, these relationships may be in danger when the…
We are all familiar with the familial stereotype of yesteryear where the father works out of the home and the mother stays home to care for the…
Many Arizonan couples who decide to get married also decide to have children. In many cases, one parent, usually a mother, decides to drop out of the…
Divorces are like fingerprints; no two are the same. What could be a simple, smooth process for one person can be a highly contentious, rocky road…
Divorce can be expensive in a variety of ways. Parties to a divorce may lose assets through property division, a portion of their income through…
As many Arizonans know, divorce can be a legally difficult, emotionally tough thing to do. Sadness, anger and frustration can all arise while a party…
Tucson residents know how difficult divorce can be. Family legal issues like property division, Parenting Time, child support, and spousal support…
Many Arizonans may feel like all of their family members and friends are getting divorced, and they may be right. According to a recently released…