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In Arizona, the family courts encourage the use of mediation to resolve disputes, including the issues of divorce. Any issue can be voluntarily…
Once you have an order in place regarding parental decision making and parenting time, you may expect everything to continue as normal. Then, one…
If you are getting a divorce in Arizona, you may be wondering why we’re known as a “community property state.” This is because we’re one of…
Deciding who will get the kids over spring break may be as simple as consulting your divorce agreement, but you need to structure it right.
As you…
When you think about the term “co-parenting,” it assumes you’ll be cooperating and coordinating with your children’s other parent. That may…
When people with children consider divorce, it is always with some hesitation. After all, so many sources have told us that divorce can be…
Some people are inherently adversarial. They have almost a preoccupation with blaming other people for whatever problems arise. Or, they make…
In Arizona, the law assumes that the child of a married woman belongs to her spouse, but this is not always the case. When it is not, the parents…
Whether you negotiated a divorce agreement or went to trial, your divorce isn’t finalized in Arizona until the judge issues a divorce decree. This…
There are special rules in Arizona if one parent wants to move away with a child. Generally, when both parents share legal decision-making authority…