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Oftentimes when parents split one of the most hotly contested issues is Parenting Time. There are many ways to approach the matter, including seeking sole legal decision-making authority. Yet, many parents choose to opt for joint legal decision-making authority, which, in many instances, supports the best interests of all parties involved. But what, exactly is joint legal decision-making authority and how can it be beneficial to you and your child? Hopefully this article will help answer that question.

Legal legal decision-making authority and physical legal decision-making authority are the two types of joint legal decision-making authority. In a true joint legal decision-making authority arrangement, parents share equal in a child’s legal and physical legal decision-making authority. This means that each parent participates equally in making life-decisions for the child and they also share equally in physical time spent with the child. However, not every joint legal decision-making authority arrangement will be mirror this setup. In fact, pure joint legal decision-making authority may be detrimental to a child’s routine and emotional well-being, as well as raise scheduling problems.

Instead, many parents may be left with only joint physical legal decision-making authority or joint legal legal decision-making authority. Joint legal is when each parent shares equally in a child’s long-term life decisions. This can include education and healthcare decisions. A parent can share legal legal decision-making authority of a child and not have physical legal decision-making authority at all. On the flip side, physical legal decision-making authority is when a parent has the child living with him or her. Again, a parent can have joint physical legal decision-making authority, but maybe not joint legal legal decision-making authority.

Depending on the circumstances, any joint legal decision-making authority arrangement can be beneficial to both a child and his or her parents. Having joint legal legal decision-making authority but sole physical legal decision-making authority, for example, allows a child to remain in a stable household while allowing both parents to remain active in his or her upbringing. Since each scenario is unique, it may be a good idea to consider speaking with an experienced Tucson family law attorney to determine which Parenting Time arrangement may be best for you and your child.

Source: FindLaw, “Joint Legal Decision-Making Authority,” accessed on Oct. 20, 2014