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Arizona residents may be familiar with Sacramento Kings co-owner and Beverly Hills Real Housewives star Adrienne Maloof whose divorce proceedings have made recent headlines. She is currently involved in what appears to be a vicious Parenting Time battle with estranged husband Paul Nassif. The couple has three sons, a nine-year-old and two six-year-old twins.

In the latest in a series of allegations that have been made by the parties, Maloof accused Nassif of physically and emotionally abusing their children. After she made these strong allegations, the judge issued a temporary restraining order against Nassif and issued an order giving her temporary sole Parenting Time of the three children. Later, after a review of the allegations, the Department of Children and family services determined they were unsubstantiated and cleared Nassif’s name.

However, in another interesting twist, when Nassif went back to court to request that his Parenting Time rights be restored, the judge awarded him supervised Parenting Time only. The judge must always place the best interests of the child above all else when making this kind of determination. It is possible that the court may still be concerned about Nassif’s alleged outbursts when he reportedly loses his temper. Additionally, Nassif was ordered to turn in a gun that he had been carrying around in his briefcase.

The couple has been married since 2002. It was not reported whether any prenuptial or post-nuptial agreement was ever entered into in their marriage. However, as emotions are clearly running very high between these parties this legal document would certainly help to promote a more amicable divorce process by already identifying how certain assets will be divided between the parties without the need for any further litigation.

Source:, “Adrienne Maloof Divorce: Paul Nassif Awarded Supervised Visitation,” Sept. 27, 2012