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How Child Support Payments Are Calculated in AZ

Divorce is a difficult, though often necessary, process. Determining whether one parent owes child support to the other is among the most important considerations you must make. Arizona introduced new statutes in 2022 that affect how child support payments are calculated. Here’s what you need to know, including how these changes might impact your family finances.

Factors in Arizona Child Support Calculations

Calculating child support payments in Arizona involves weighing factors that give a fair picture of each parent’s financial responsibilities. Here are the main components that influence child support:

  • Income: Courts add up both parents’ monthly gross incomes, including wages, tips, bonuses, and certain government benefits. If a parent is unemployed, income might be imputed based on their previous earnings or skills, meaning they can’t simply avoid payments by staying out of work.
  • Parenting time: Where the child spends the night matters greatly. The more overnights a parent has, the less child support they’re typically required to pay. This part of the calculation can vary widely, so it’s crucial to establish and stick to a clear parenting schedule.
  • Medical and educational costs: Essential expenses like health insurance premiums, out-of-pocket medical expenses, and educational costs factor directly into support calculations. Arizona law strives to share these costs equitably between both parents.
  • Childcare costs: If you need to pay for childcare so you can work or attend classes, Arizona courts factor these legitimate expenses into child support.

Examples of Arizona’s Child Support Calculations

Each case looks different based on the specific details. Imagine you’re a parent with primary custody, earning $5,000 a month, and your co-parent earns $4,000. Even though you’re the higher earner, having more overnights with the child means your co-parent may owe you child support.

However, if your co-parent has better employer-sponsored health insurance, they may pay the child’s monthly premium. This expense is factored into the total child support obligation and may reduce the amount they pay directly to you.

How to Use Arizona’s Child Support Calculator

Arizona offers online calculators to help parents estimate child support payments. These tools use the state’s standard guidelines and are a great first step. However, they’re only estimates—the final amount could change based on your circumstances. In the end, it’s up to the courts to decide how much one parent owes the other. A consultation with a family law attorney is the best way to understand how the guidelines apply to your unique situation.

Review Your Case with a Legal Professional

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused, get a handle on your child support calculations with help from the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. We have over 30 years of experience in family law and a thorough understanding of Arizona’s child support statutes. Thanks to Hector’s background in business and finance, our team is well-equipped to handle complex financial and family dynamics. Contact us for a free consultation at our office in Tucson, AZ.