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There are a variety of situations that may lead a couple to consider divorce. Financial problems, trust issues and distance may all have a serious impact on a couple’s ability to keep their marriage intact. One circumstance that may lead to a divorce is one in which a spouse serves in the military.

The overall divorce rate for all service members was down 0.1 percent this year, dipping slightly to 3.4 percent. For military women, though, the story is different. In 2011, the rate of military divorce amongst women rose to its highest level at 8 percent. For fiscal year 2013, military women divorced at a rate of 7.2 percent, a significant decrease but still higher than the overall rate. Some experts believe the drop in divorce rates can be attributed to decreased operational deployments.

Facing a divorce, whether one is in the military or not, can be extremely difficult. The couple must assess their assets and debt, try to work out legal decision-making authority of any children, and deal with alimony and child support issues. Oftentimes, these divorce legal issues can turn into heated arguments that leave the parties fuming. When emotions run on high and threaten to cloud one’s legal judgment, it may be in an individual’s best interest to seek help from an experienced Arizona family law attorney.

An attorney can be a valuable resource when it comes to hashing out property division and other legal issues that may arise at the end of a marriage. If desired, the attorney will seek to negotiate and settle these issues before litigation, which would take any determinations out of the hands of a judge. If a divorce settlement cannot be reached, then the attorney will vigorously represent his client in court, providing legal argument for the best possible outcome.

Source: Military Times, “Military divorce rate ticks downward,” Andrew Tilghman, Dec. 19, 2013