Category: Divorce
For many Arizonans, including those in Tucson, tax season is over. However, it is important to keep in mind that dissolving a marriage may have…
Many Arizonans may have heard the term “conscious uncoupling,” which was thrust into the public lexicon recently with news of…
Social media has become a part of everyday life for many. But Arizonans currently advancing through the divorce process and those considering divorce…
A lot of people talk about the high rate of divorce. Yet, few consider what portion of the population is actually divorced. Bloomberg set out to…
Divorce has become so common that many may think it is an easy process. While some divorces are easier than others, the fact remains that many…
We’ve all seen it before. A couple having trouble with their marriage decides to stay together for the sake of their kids rather than seek a…
There are a variety of situations that may lead a couple to consider divorce. Financial problems, trust issues and distance may all have a serious…
A new study shows divorce rates are high in Arizona. The American Community Survey and the Daily Beast, which conducted the study, found Arizona to…
The decision to end a marriage can be difficult for any couple, regardless of how long they have been together. The anger and disappointment can fuel…
In many instances of marriage dissolution, people view the woman as the victim and the male as the victimizer. While this situation does present…