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Arizona residents pondering divorce may be interested to learn that Demi Moore is reportedly considering filing her own divorce action in court. Even though her estranged husband, Two and a Half Men star Ashton Kutcher, filed for divorce in December of 2012, the two parties have reportedly been unable to reach an amicable agreement with respect to all of their financial issues.

The parties involved in this high asset divorce have apparently been unable to come to any agreement on how to equitably divide their assets and property. Significantly, Ashton Kutcher is now the best-paid actor on television. He earned $24 million in 2012 and has also earned additional money with technology start-up companies he has invested in.

According to a source close to Demi Moore, they believe that Kutcher is being unreasonable about what he owes her financially for her role in boosting his professional career. They also contend that Kutcher has been very difficult to negotiate with thus far in the divorce process.

During most divorces, emotions run high and it can be very difficult for both parties to come to a mutual understanding of how to best divide their jointly acquired assets, debts and property. When a party has accumulated a number of assets prior to a marriage,

it is helpful to enter into a prenuptial agreement because this agreement spells out how all property and assets are to be divided in the event of a divorce. Although it may be difficult to think of actually anticipating a divorce prior to a marriage, this kind of agreement can ultimately save both parties financially and emotionally should they ever have to face the prospect of divorce legal issues.

It is important to be fully informed of one’s rights, obligations and options when considering a divorce. An experienced family law attorney can help obtain the best possible outcome in these types of actions, especially when both parties are still trying to find the best way to communicate with each other.

Source: The New York Post, “Demi Strikes Back at Ashton,” March 6, 2013