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Choosing whether or not to get a Divorce can be an extremely difficult decision. Several factors may come into play when weighing the pros and cons of divorce, including the effect on any children, financial concerns, and issues of timing. According to a new study conducted by the legal forum Avvo, divorcing couples without children are most concerned about the cost of getting a divorce, followed by property division, the time it would take to get a divorce, and alimony. Those with children were most concerned about Parenting Time issues, followed by cost.

While these are legitimate concerns, one must be cognizant of the dangers of staying in a crumbling marriage. Often, staying in a deteriorating marriage poses risk of adverse effects on children in the household, deteriorates happiness, and, in some cases, may lead to violence. Thus, an individual contemplating divorce should consult an experienced Arizona family law attorney to seek advice.

A competent attorney can help an individual determine how certain divorce legal issues may turn out if a divorce is filed. Property division, existing prenuptial agreements, alimony, Parenting Time, and spousal support must all be considered. If it is determined that divorce is in the individual’s best interests, then the attorney will fight for what is fair financially and for any children involved. This may mean raising arguments before a judge or negotiating beforehand with the other party.

Ending a marriage can bring about a time of extreme emotions. An experienced attorney may assist an individual in seeing the situation clearly so that any dispute has a chance of turning out favorably. In a time of such heartbreak and anger, every party to a divorce needs someone on his or her side. An attorney can be that person.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Divorce Study Indicates That Cost Of Splitting Up Is Top Concern For Divorcing Couples,” Aug. 1, 2013