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As was discussed last week on our blog, Parenting Time can be an immensely complicated issue. Determining what counts as income for child support purposes can be difficult in its own nature, but finding an appropriate amount for child support to be paid can be just as complex.

Likewise, those seeking to modify their support agreement, whether to increase, reduce or eliminate payments, can be a matter that is hotly contested. Therefore, in order to deal with these issues, you may want to consider seeking assistance from a Tucson family law attorney.

A compassionate, dedicated, and experienced attorney may be able to help you in a number of ways. First, he or she may be able to help you consider child support issues before you file for divorce and before any arguments arise. Second, once amongst the divorce process, an attorney may be able to assist you in negotiating a fair child support settlement or argue for a proper figure in front of a judge. Third, if you face changed circumstances after a judgment has been entered, then a family law attorney may be able to help you modify your agreement to afford you financial security while ensuring your child’s needs are met.

The legal team at the Law Office of Hector A Montoya is skilled and experienced at helping Arizonans reach divorce resolutions that support their and their children’s best interests. We know how hard it can be emotionally to dissolve a marriage and how important it is to have the support you need. This support is not only emotional, but also legal. Therefore, we take great pride in ensuring our clients’ needs are adequately presented to the other side and the court.