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If you are contemplating a divorce, then you likely have a lot on your plate. You may have emotional attachments that make the thought of ending a marriage heartbreaking. On the hand, you may be excited to dissolve a defunct marriage.

In either case, though, you will likely have to face multiple issues. Some may be financial, like property division and spousal support, while others may affect your personal relationships, like parenting time. Though, as last week’s post discussed, there are many things you can do to protect yourself financially, when it comes to settling a divorce through the legal process, it may be best to have the help of an experienced attorney.

A dedicated Arizona legal team, like the one at the Law Office of Hector A Montoya, will strive to put your interests first. This might mean discovering and properly valuating assets, assessing the application of and fighting for or against alimony, and determining the best interests of any children involved. In many instances, these matters can be settled out of court, while others require litigation. Regardless of the legal route, an experienced attorney can help you navigate the legal process and help you understand what type of outcome you can expect.

Going through a divorce can be a trying time. You may be overcome with emotions and the uncertainty of your future can leave you concerned. There is a lot you can do to ensure you reach as fair of an outcome as possible. However, many who get divorced find it beneficial to have a legal advocate who knows how to handle a diverse range of family law issues.