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Last week we discussed the difficult property division issues an oil tycoon is facing, while in the midst of a divorce. The unfortunate reality is that most individuals who go through a divorce face similar circumstances, despite being on a smaller scale. In addition to the sometimes highly adversarial issue of property division, many divorcing individuals must deal with other divorce legal issues that might leave them unable to sleep at night.

We at the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya strive to help you settle these matters in a way that is not only fair to you, but in a way that leaves you in a strong position to start your new life. This might mean discovering your spouse’s hidden assets, arguing for alimony, presenting factors that support increased child support and fighting for Parenting Time. In the end, your well-being is our number one concern, and we will do everything in our power to make things right.

There are many ways to reach a favorable divorce outcome. Sometimes, opportunities can be found and issues can be resolved through strategic and honest negotiation with the other side. In these instances, you might be able to avoid the lengthy and emotional arguments that present themselves in a contested divorce. Nonetheless, this is not a reality in every situation. In those cases, we will do our due diligence to ensure no stone is unturned, and you have every opportunity to get what you deserve.

We understand how stressful the divorce process can be. It can be a time of upheaval, stress and fear for the future of you and your children. With so much on the line, it does not pay to let things play out. By being proactive and obtaining the help of an experienced attorney, you might be able to find the freedom and financial stability you need to start your new life.