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Social media has become an important aspect in the lives of Arizonans. These platforms help individuals keep in touch with family and friends, schedule events, and interact with those who have similar interests. Yet, for all the good that social media brings, it may also be bad for marriages.

According to a recently published study, a link exists between social media usage and decreased marriage quality. The study’s authors compared divorce rates with per-capita Facebook accounts and also surveyed individuals about social media usage and marriage quality. They found that increased Facebook enrollment increased divorce rates by up to nearly four and a half percent. They also discovered that those who do not use social media were 11 percent happier in their marriage than those who used a lot of social media.

Unfortunately, decreased marriage quality often leads to divorce. Those who are considering divorce must confront several divorce legal issues. Property division, alimony, Parenting Time, and child support can all become highly contentious issues that are difficult to settle. In a lot of cases, obtaining the assistance of an attorney can be beneficial as he or she will work to protect a divorcing party’s legal rights and best interests.

Emotions often run on high during divorce proceedings, but an attorney can help a divorcing party reach a divorce settlement with the other side. This often requires close consideration of the issues and careful negotiation. Though most couple dissolve their marriages through negotiation, if an agreement cannot be reached between the parties, an attorney can help take the matter to court where he or she will put forth the best legal arguments possible to support their client’s stance. When all is said and done, an attorney might be able to help a newly divorced party start his or her new life with confidence.

Source: CNBC, “Social networking linked to divorce, marital unhappiness,” Everett Rosenfeld, July 8, 2014