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Oftentimes when people think of child support issues they conjure up images of so-called deadbeat parents who intentionally fail to make good on their child support obligations. This, however, is not always the case. Sometimes unexpected events make it difficult, and sometimes impossible, to make full child support payments. When this happens, an owing parent should speak with an attorney to find relief.

This happened recently to singer Beyoncé Knowles’ father, Matthew Knowles, after he was fired from his job as Beyoncé’s manager. The significant drop in income made it difficult for Knowles to pay the $12,000 a month to his former wife, Alexsandra Wright. After a court hearing, a judge agreed with Knowles and reduced his payments to $2,500 a month. This reduction should provide much relief, allowing Knowles to contribute a similar portion of his income to his child’s upbringing while not bankrupting him.

Being forced to pay full child support at a time of financial hardship can be difficult financially and emotionally. Without a child support modification, an owing parent may feel as if he or she is not pulling his or her weight, and his or her wages may be garnished. This can make it difficult to establish a stable livelihood, something all Arizonans deserve.

Therefore, if a parent is facing a child support issue, he or she should seek help from a qualified attorney. Though child support payments are established based on the Arizona child support guidelines, a modification may be granted if certain circumstances arise. These situations may include job loss, wage decrease or diagnosis of a medical condition. Though divorce legal issues like child support are often hotly contested, a passionate attorney can be by a parent’s side to fight for what is best for him or her and for his or her children.

Source: New York Daily News, “Matthew Knowles child support payments decreased due to income drop after Beyonce firing,” March 6, 2014