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Tucson Decree and Support Enforcement Lawyer

It is necessary to take proactive measures to ensure that the Decree of Dissolution of Marriage, parenting time, spousal maintenance, and child support are enforced. At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we understand that circumstances change materially in the lives of our clients. In the years following divorce, income fluctuates, jobs are lost and careers go in a new direction.

Business people negotiating a contract

Protect Your Rights in Divorce & Support Enforcement Actions

If one party disobeys a court order that is now in effect, such as a decree of dissolution, parenting time, or child support, the order may be enforced. Usually, to accomplish this, one must go back to the court that issued the first order.

The opposing party may file a motion with the court that issued the initial decision if the other party is not abiding by the decree of dissolution, parenting time arrangement, or child support. With this motion, the court is asked to uphold the child support order, parenting time arrangement, or decree of dissolution.

It is best to collaborate closely with an Arizona-experienced family law attorney if you are having trouble getting orders enforced or need to make changes to orders that already exist. Hector A. Montoya can assist you in submitting the required motions, represent you in court, and ensure that your rights are upheld.

Father piggybacking son outdoors

Enforcing a Divorce or Support Order Has Severe Consequences

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., we have represented clients on both sides of the courtroom in enforcement actions. Various options exist for the court to recover overdue child support or spousal maintenance. Sanctions include:

  • Wage garnishment
  • Assets and bank account seizure
  • Tax refunds seizure
  • Restricted driving privileges
  • Contempt charges

Pima County decree and support enforcement attorney Hector A. Montoya understands the challenges his clients face in enforcement actions.

Your Decisions, Our Attorney

Call our law offices to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced Tucson support enforcement attorney, or contact us online by completing our brief intake/e-mail form.

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