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Tucson High-Asset Divorce Lawyer

The end of the marriage requires the review of complex legal matters which are often intertwined with emotionally charged issues. For our wealthier clients, those personal matters combine with the need to protect valuable assets, requiring the help of an experienced high-asset divorce lawyer.

At the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C., attorney Montoya will spend time with you to understand your concerns and goals. He knows what is at stake for those who own multiple real estate properties and enjoy the benefits of an inheritance. From there, he will devise the best plan, customized to your specific situation.

Do you need help protecting a valuable estate or family-owned business? Contact our Tucson divorce attorney.

person signing papers

Hector A. Montoya: Pima County Asset Division Attorney

When you are thinking of ending your marriage, you may have more options than you think. Hector A. Montoya can assist with all different kinds of dissolution of marriage, including:

  • Contested divorce
  • Uncontested divorce
  • Legal separation
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Let the Expert Handle Your Case for You

Certain issues are specific to divorces involving complex marital estates owned by physicians, business owners, athletes, and entertainers, requiring an attorney experienced in the following:

The most significant challenge that Hector A. Montoya faces involves child support. Unlike spousal maintenance, Arizona state statutes have limitations to the child support calculator that do not account for higher incomes. To maintain a wealthy lifestyle for private school tuition and other amenities that your children are accustomed to, upward deviations from the formula must be pursued in court.

Tucson High-Asset Divorce Law Firm

Call our Tucson, Arizona, law offices at 520-743-1797 to schedule an initial consultation, or contact our Arizona divorce lawyer online by completing our brief intake/e-mail form.

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