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Hector A. Montoya – Tucson, AZ’s Trusted Family Law Attorney

Hector A. Montoya brings over 30 years of legal experience with a primary focus on family law. From dissolution of marriage to paternity cases, he understands the challenges families face during difficult and often traumatic times. With a strong foundation in business and finance, Hector excels at addressing complex marital estates and financial-related matters such as child support and spousal maintenance. His education at the University of Arizona has equipped him with the tools necessary for effective legal representation.

Named one of Tucson’s top three family law attorneys by ABC affiliate KGUN 9, Hector A. Montoya works diligently to provide strategic legal solutions for residents throughout Southern Arizona. Clients of the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. can expect a compassionate approach along with direct communication throughout their legal journey.

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Experience and Educational Background

Hector A. Montoya graduated from the University of Arizona College of Business in 1978 with a degree in General Business. He began working at General Instrument, a Fortune 500 Corporation, in 1978. Over the course of 11 years, he held various roles, including Inventory Analyst, Budget Analyst, and Division Financial Analyst. These positions equipped him with essential skills in finance and management.

Hector also served as the Manager of Business Administration at C.R. Bard in 1983. He worked there for over a year before moving to Fleck Manufacturing, a Canadian company, where he continued refining his business acumen. This background in finance and accounting has proven to be of significant value when assisting in marital dissolution actions for individuals who own businesses. Hector graduated from the University of Arizona College of Law in 1993 and has been licensed with the State Bar of Arizona since May 21, 1994. In 2000, he opened the Law Office of Hector A. Montoya, P.L.L.C. as a sole practitioner.

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Solving Family Law Problems for Over Three Decades

Hector A. Montoya stands out in the field of family law in Southern Arizona due to his commitment to direct communication with clients. Each individual will have personal access to him as their legal representative to foster trust and ensure they feel heard and understood. Whether through emails or scheduled meetings, he values open lines of communication. This one-on-one approach allows clients to stay informed about their cases every step of the way.

Outside his practice, Hector is also Vice President of his Homeowners Association and a devoted family man. He is proud of his three sons, one of whom is an attorney, another a financial analyst, and the youngest a biomedical engineer. In his free time, he enjoys exploring cooking techniques and experimenting with new dishes.

If you’re faced with a family-related legal matter, a resolution can be found. Contact Hector A. Montoya to schedule your consultation today.

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