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Understanding Divorce & Family Law Proceedings

In Arizona, both laws and procedural rules govern divorce and family law proceedings. The state’s laws, or statutes, are established by the Arizona legislature, while the procedural rules are set by the Arizona Supreme Court.

  • Divorce and Family Law: Primarily found in Title 25 of the Arizona Revised Statutes—outline the legal framework for various aspects of how we practice family law. These include the division of community property, the determination of legal decision-making (legal custody), spousal maintenance, child support, and other related rights and obligations.
  • Procedural Rules: Detailed in the Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure, dictate the steps required to prepare for and present divorce and family law cases in court for our clients. These rules apply to all aspects of family law, including legal decision-making, parenting time, paternity, divorce, property division, enforcement and modification of orders, and alternate dispute resolution.

Understanding both the laws and the procedural rules that apply to your case can be highly beneficial, while our firm is representing you. In today’s world, consumers want to be more informed and have a greater need for information, allowing them to better understand the legal processes they are involved in. That’s what we are here for!

Just as you might research your healthcare options, surgeries, or medications to make informed decisions beyond what your doctor advises, the same principle applies to your family law proceedings.

We want to help you gain a basic understanding of the relevant laws and procedures that can help you. Contact us today to set up an appointment!

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