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Child support can be a difficult issue for Tucson parents who have gone through a divorce. Disputes can ignite over whether a custodial parent is entitled to more, or whether a non-custodial parent should be paying less. Sometimes, disputes over child support payments can even seep through into other areas of a family’s life.

This is the recent allegation against former Phoenix Sun Steve Nash made by his ex-wife. She has indicated a desire to move with their three children to California, where Nash – currently under contract with the Lakers – resides. That way they can be closer to their father, as she claims they wish to be. Legal experts have also observed that Nash would be required to pay child support if the move were to occur; he currently does not pay child support.

Nash is fighting the family’s relocation, indicating that the children should stay at the home they’re familiar in Arizona with where they’ve grown up and where two of them attend school. He also expresses concern that his ex-wife would just spend the child support payments on materialistic things – her spending habits being a factor in their divorce in the first place. Earning close to a million dollars a month, Nash rejects claims that his actions are motivated by financial concerns. He also claims he plans to return to Arizona once his Lakers contract is over.

Arizona residents who pay child support and who read this story should not expect, however, that they can move out of state and leave their payments behind. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act affords certain rights to custodial parents when the non-custodial parent moves to another state. A custodial parent could ask the court in their home state to send the child support order to the courts in the non-custodial parent’s state and request enforcement. The custodial parent could also go make this request to the ex’s state courts in person. It is also possible under the UIFSA to ask the non-custodial parent’s employer to garnish the ordered amounts from that individual’s wages.

Clearly, a child support dispute can impact many major family decisions. Tucson parents struggling with a child support issue may wish to consult a legal professional regarding their rights an options, regardless of which side of the dispute they are on.

Source: Fox 10 News, “Steve Nash engaged in court battle with ex-wife over child custody,” Kristen Keogh, June 4, 2013