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Many Arizona residents are probably familiar with the famous movie actress Ashley Judd and her Indy race car driver husband, Dario Franchitti. The couple married in 2001 in Scotland, Franchitti’s home country. They do not have any children together. At the moment, all indications are that this is an amicable separation, as both individuals issued a joint statement that their decision was mutual and that a strong bond will always remain between them.

Although amicable, any divorce can still bring a roller-coaster of emotions to both parties. Both parties in this divorce are high-income earners, which means that they probably have substantial financial assets and properties. The equitable division of these assets and property may present significant challenges. It is unknown at this time whether any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements were signed by the parties.

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are increasingly used by individuals from all types of economic and social strata, but they are particularly useful when dealing with high-asset marriages. These agreements can address how all assets and properties should be divided, in addition to other issues, such as spousal support. By addressing these issues prior to a divorce, the chance of engaging in contentious, protracted divorce litigation can be minimized. This serves to lighten the financial burden of divorce on the parties, as well as the emotional toll that can accompany a contentious divorce.

Any divorce can be difficult to navigate, especially when one is suffering emotionally. That is why it can be so important to get the right information when faced with a divorce, in order to obtain the best possible result.

Source:, “Ashley Judd, Dario Franchitti announce plan to divorce,” Jeff Gluck, Jan. 30, 2013